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Buzzaround Carry On Scooter

NOTE: The Buzzaround Carry-On Scooter is available for sale as of June 2020. To view full specifications or to purchase this awesome travel scooter with free shipping (and tax-free), click here.

Have you ever heard of the Buzzaround Carry On mobility scooter? Chances are, you have not. Until today. That is because we saw something very unique at Medtrade 2019 and were fortunate enough to get a sneak peek at Golden Technologies newest product.

With a plethora of new products constantly being released what makes this scooter unique? The size, weight, and weigh that it folds is truly amazing. They say a picture is worth a thousand words…well how about a video!?

As you can see, it is safe to say that the Buzzaround Carry On scooter is going to be the de facto king of airline travel-friendly scooters. This is because Golden describes it as a fold-flat scooter! In general, we’ve been seeing lighting become more and more prominent. An LED lighting system is standard and included with the Golden Technologies Carry on elderly scooter. An infinite adjustable tiller equates to a customized ride that most users will truly enjoy. While on the topic of ride quality, you’ll notice the tires have ample tread which helps increase traction and stability. Reflectors on the side of the Carry On scooter will help you be seen in dim conditions.

They were so confident they applied for a Patent with the government. A 300lb weight capacity with a scooter weighing only 44lbs is truly a fantastic combination. Even at this low weight, you can still expect a back to your seat and armrests! 4-inch ground clearance is also really good as most are sub 3 inches. Currently, the Solax Automatic Transformer is the biggest hit in the folding scooter travel market. You also likely noticed that it folds in a very unique way unlike the other scooters on the market. Golden truly started from the ground up to design this scooter. For airlines, having a compact scooter that folds easily and is lightweight is key. That is exactly what they have accomplished.

On top of the design and utility, you have a name that you can trust attached to this scooter. That ultimately makes a huge difference because there are more unbranded scooters than ever that claim to have warranties but we’ve received calls that many of them are nowhere to be found when something needs to be fixed. The warranty a manufacturer gives is only as good as the company that it gave.

Want to be one of the first people to have the Golden Technologies Carry On scooter? Give us a shout! We’ll be happy to call you when it is officially released. If you need a travel-friendly mobility scooter immediately give us a call today or browse our large selection of travel mobility scooters similar to the Carry On!