What are electromagnetic brakes?

Electromagnetic brakes, what are they and how do they work? These are automatic brakes, and they are equipped in almost every scooter and power wheelchair. Basically, the way they work is the brakes are always on (in the locked position) unless you move the throttle. You can hear a click when you use the throttle and that click is the sound of the brakes being released temporarily. As soon you let go of the throttle the brakes lock back in.

Electromagnetic braking uses magnets and electricity to brake automatically for you when you release the throttle controller. In other words – if you’re not using the throttle, the brakes will engage automatically.


For example, if you push your throttle handle to move forward or backward you will notice that it moves but as soon as you let go, the unit brakes on its own.

Here’s a video demonstration of how it works:


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