What are the tire types on mobility products?

One crucial aspect of mobility scooters is the type of tires they employ. In this article, we will explore different tire types commonly found on mobility scooters, their characteristics, and how they impact performance.

Pneumatic (Air-Filled) Tires: Pneumatic tires are similar to those used on bicycles or automobiles. They are filled with air, offering a cushioned ride and superior shock absorption. These tires are well-suited for both indoor and outdoor use, providing a balance between stability and maneuverability. Periodic inspection and maintenance are required to ensure proper tire pressure and prevent punctures or leaks. Pneumatic tires offer superior traction on various terrains, including pavement, gravel, and grass.

Solid (Flat-Free) Tires: Solid tires are made from solid rubber or foam-filled material, eliminating the need for air. They offer distinct advantages over pneumatic tires and are often preferred for certain applications. Solid tires are puncture-proof and do not require regular inflation or maintenance, making them convenient and hassle-free. Solid tires are highly resistant to wear and tear, making them ideal for frequent use and traversing rough terrains. Solid tires may not offer the same level of shock absorption or traction on uneven or rough surfaces compared to pneumatic tires. However, some models balance this out by having suspension installed.

The choice of tire type plays a significant role in the performance and suitability of a mobility scooter. Pneumatic tires offer superior comfort and traction, making them versatile for both indoor and outdoor use. On the other hand, solid tires provide convenience and durability, requiring minimal maintenance. By considering factors such as usage environment, comfort, and maintenance preferences, you can select the appropriate tire type that best meets your mobility needs.

If you need help getting new tires, we got your back. You can always buy the tires from our website, simply search for the model of the scooter or wheelchair on our website and the tires should appear. If they don’t, we can have our parts department get a quote for you, then add it to our website. You can call them at (877)-321-3241. Most of the replacement parts for popular models are already on our website ready to be ordered.

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