Can I upgrade the motor of my mobility scooter?

There may be other mobility scooters where you can upgrade their motors but on our website, there are no motor upgrades for any other mobility scooters aside from two specific models which are the AFIKIM Afiscooter S3 and S4 models.

Here’s a video about the motor upgrade:


You’ll be able to see these motor upgrades on the product details page of AFIKIM Afiscooter S3 and S4 models.

In addition, here are the Afiscooter S3 and S4 models that offers the motor upgrade:

Afiscooter S3:

Afiscooter S3

Afiscooter S3-GT


Afiscooter S4:

Afiscooter S4

Afiscooter S4 Dual Seat

Afiscooter S4 HD

Afiscooter S4-GT

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