Where do EV Rider Scooters Ship From?

If you’re asking “how long will it take for EV Rider Mobility Scooters to ship?” the answer usually depends on a few factors. Most times, you can expect your mobility scooter to be shipped within 4-5 business days after placing your order, with an estimated delivery time of 1-2 weeks. […]

Where are CTM Power Wheelchairs Manufactured?

CTM Mobility scooters and CTM power wheelchairs are manufactured overseas in Asia like most other product manufacturers. The only manufacturer that makes their products in the USA is Pacesaver. Andrew FataloAndrew Fatalo is the owner of Statewide Mobility Inc & Mobility Scooters Direct. He has been in the mobility product […]

Mobility Scooter Replacement Batteries?

Many customers will ask “what kind of batteries do mobility scooters use” or “which type of replacement batteries work for my mobility scooters\” and the answer is not that simple. Most mobility scooters use different types of batteries depending on the type of unit. For example, there are some long-range […]

Are wheelchair batteries allowed on an airplane?

A question that we get often is “Are mobility scooter batteries allowed on air planes even through they’re made of lithium?”. Lithium batteries are sometimes not permitted but it all depends on the air line rules and regulations. It’s best to be aware of federal laws and the airline rules […]

What Manufacturers Include a Service Contract?

A mobility scooter & power wheelchair service contract is only for Afikim, Pride Mobility, Golden Technologies, Enhance Mobility, Drive Medical, and Shoprider. The service contract does not include normal wear and tear. It covers manufacturer defects only for both parts and labor. Each manufacturer is different, some offer a 1-year […]

Do you offer rentals?

A lot of people come to our website to ask if they can rent a mobility scooter or rent a power wheelchair. Yes, you can! We offer short-term rentals in Southeast and Southwest Florida. Kindly note that we only rent motorized power wheelchairs and not manual wheelchairs. To learn more […]