  • Merits Health P181
    Model: P181XUAZMU8 | Merits Health
    - Max. Speed: Up to 4 MPH
    - Travel Range: Up to 25 Miles
    - Weight Capacity: 450 LBS
    - Product Weight: Approximately 182 LBS
    - Fold Up Easily
    - FREE Shipping & Tax-Free!
    Our Price$2,869.77
    MSRP: $6,250.00
    You Save: $3,380.23
  • Whill Model F Right Beauty Red
    Model: Model-F | WHILL
    - Max. Speed: Up to 3.7 MPH
    - Travel Range: Up to 12.4 Miles
    - Weight Capacity: 250 LBS
    - Heaviest Piece: 51.9 LBS
    - Very Easy to Fold
    - FREE Shipping & Tax-Free!
    Our Price$2,799.00
    MSRP: $3,358.80
    You Save: $559.80
    Special Offer
  • Golden Technologies Compass HD GP620 Red Left Beauty
    - Max. Speed: Up to 4 MPH
    - Travel Range: Up to 12 Miles
    - Weight Capacity: 450 LBS
    - Batteries: 12V 22NF SLA
    - Full Suspension
    - Class II Medical Device
    - FREE Shipping & Tax-Free!
    Our Price$5,196.00
    MSRP: $6,599.00
    You Save: $1,403.00
    Special Offer
  • Journey Zoomer® Folding Power Chair One-Handed Control
    Model: Zoomer | JOURNEY
    - Max. Speed: Up to 3.7 MPH
    - Travel Range: Up to 8 Miles
    - Weight Capacity: 275 LBS
    - Weight: 45.80 LBS
    - FREE Shipping & Tax-Free!
    Our Price$2,945.00
    MSRP: $3,623.75
    You Save: $678.75
    Special Offer
  • Pride Mobility Jazzy Select Left Beauty
    Model: JazzySelect | PRIDE MOBILITY
    - Max. Speed: Up to 4.3 MPH
    - Travel Range: Up to 19.4 Miles
    - Weight Capacity: 300 LBS
    - Heaviest Piece: 94 LBS
    - Batteries: 12 volt, U-1
    - FREE Shipping & Tax-Free!
    Our Price$3,779.00
    MSRP: $5,499.00
    You Save: $1,720.00
    Special Offer
  • Jazzy Elite ES Power Chair Right Beauty
    - Max. Speed: Up to 4 MPH
    - Travel Range: Up to 15 Miles
    - Weight Capacity: 300 LBS
    - Disassembles Quickly
    - Semi-Recline Captain's Seat
    - FREE Shipping & Tax-Free!
    Our Price$3,839.00
    MSRP: $5,359.00
    You Save: $1,520.00
    Special Offer
  • Pride Mobility Jazzy Elite HD Red Left Beauty
    - Max. Speed: Up to 4 MPH
    - Travel Range: Up to 14.4 Miles
    - Weight Capacity: 450 LBS
    - Limited Suspension
    - Adjustable Comfort Options
    - FREE Shipping & Tax-Free!
    Our Price$3,909.00
    MSRP: $5,649.00
    You Save: $1,740.00
    Special Offer
  • Pride Go-Chair Med Power Wheelchair Left Beauty
    Model: Go-Chair-MED | PRIDE MOBILITY
    - Max. Speed: Up to 3.7 MPH
    - Travel Range: Up to 8.6 Miles
    - Weight Capacity: 300 LBS
    - Heaviest Piece: 36 LBS
    - Transport/Storage: Disassembles
    - FREE Shipping & Tax-Free!
    Our Price$2,659.00
    MSRP: $3,859.00
    You Save: $1,200.00
    Special Offer
  • Merits Health P310 Regal
    Model: P3101-ARMUB | Merits Health
    - Max. Speed: Up to 5 MPH
    - Travel Range: Up to 18 Miles
    - Weight Capacity: 300 LBS
    - Batteries: 12V 35AH SLA
    - Rear Wheel Drive
    - FREE Shipping & Tax-Free!
    Our Price$2,796.12
    MSRP: $5,999.00
    You Save: $3,202.88
    Special Offer
  • Merits Health P301 Gemini
    Model: 1ARMU | Merits Health
    - Max. Speed: Up to 5 MPH
    - Travel Range: Up to 20 Miles
    - Weight Capacity: 450 LBS
    - Batteries: 12V 22NF (50AH)
    - Full-Suspension
    - FREE Shipping & Tax-Free!
    Our Price$3,207.87
    MSRP: $6,399.00
    You Save: $3,191.13

The Ultimate Guide to Power Wheelchairs

In this Ultimate Guide to Power Wheelchairs, you'll learn:

The History Behind Power Wheelchairs 

What is a Power Wheelchair?

How to Operate a Power Wheelchair

The Different Types of Electric Wheelchairs 

How to Choose a Power Wheelchair Store

4 Common Reasons Customers Buy Handicap Wheelchairs

Learning Specifications and Choosing the Right Power Chair for You

Electric Wheelchair Warranty Options for Each Manufacturer

How to Troubleshoot a Power Wheelchair - Should you Fix or Buy a New One?

Maintaining Your Power Chair Post Purchase

How to Disassemble Your Electric Wheelchair

How Power Wheelchairs and Insurance Works

Applying for Electric Wheelchair Financing

How Much Do Power Wheelchairs Cost?

Advantages & Disadvantages of Buying Online vs Locally

Delivery Options Available to You 

Saving Money by Getting Coupons for Your Purchase

What Makes Different?

The History Behind Power Wheelchairs

Power wheelchairs (a.k.a - electric wheelchairs) have been around since the 1600s. Over 365 years ago in 1655, Stephen Farffler invented the first self-propelled electric wheelchair. He was a German watchmaker who was also a paraplegic. However, this was a very different-looking electric wheelchair. It would undergo several changes and modifications over the next hundred years.


In the late 1800s, a rear push wheel design was patented by A.P. Blunt and Jacob S. Smith. It slightly resembles the modern-day wheelchair. In 1881, self-propulsion was available via added push rims. While not a powered wheelchair, this would pave the way for the modern design of an electric power wheelchair.


About 30 years later in the early 1900s, the first motorized wheelchair was built in London, England. However, it was not an electric wheelchair that you see today. That is because the first wheelchair that was self-powered had to have the patient turn their wheels to make it move.


The first motorized electric wheelchair was created in 1916 but was not mass-produced. George Klein was a Canadian inventor who was credited with the first electric power wheelchair. He worked under the National Research Council of Canada whose main goal was to assist veterans after returning home from WW2.


What is a Power Wheelchair?

A power wheelchair boiled down to its most fundamental parts, is a wheelchair with a joystick, motor, and battery. It allows you to effortlessly travel without the assistance of another person to push you nor have you rely on your strength to propel the wheelchair. There are various types of electric wheelchairs which we will review in more thorough detail in another section. Each type thrives with certain use cases.


A power wheelchair differs from a traditional mobility scooter because you will only need one hand to operate a power wheelchair whereas, with an electric-powered scooter, you generally need hands to safely operate it. With a power wheelchair, you may have the option to request the joystick be placed on the left or right armrest. This is helpful if you are left-handed and need the joystick to be on the left side.


How to Operate a Power Wheelchair

The operation of a powered wheelchair is relatively simple. First, you will want to ensure that the unit is in drive mode. There is a lever that puts the wheelchair in neutral which allows you to push it should the battery die. However, the unit will not function in neutral mode even with a full battery.


First, you’ll want to make sure that the unit is charged. If you will travel long distances, then you will want to make sure that it is fully charged. This will help you ensure that you do not get caught or left with a dead unit and stuck. After you have ensured that it is ready for operation, you simply sit in the power wheelchair. Be sure to buckle up as many units will have a buckle that is used to safely strap you into the chair.


Once strapped in, you’ll want to turn the power wheelchair on. At this point, you can look at the joystick which will show you a battery range. If there are no issues, you’ll hear no beeping sequences in most cases. Look at the speed modulator. You can reduce the unit's top speed by turning the knob on most power chairs.


Simply place your hand on the joystick and push the joystick where you’d like to go. In most cases, this is forward. Slowly press forward, and you will hear a click which is the electric wheelchair brake system disengaging, this is completely normal. Practice turning while going forward so you can learn how your electric wheelchair responds to how you turn. To turn, simply point in the direction you’d like to go. So if you wish to make a broad left, you’d push the joystick in an NWN position.


We also filmed a short video on how to use your power wheelchair, you can watch it by clicking this How to Operate a Power Wheelchair Guide link.


The Different Types of Electric Wheelchairs

As briefly touched upon earlier, we learned there are very different types of electric wheelchairs which are largely dependent on your desired use case. The right chair for your friend or neighbor may not be the right one for you. In this section, we will highlight the different types of electric wheelchairs along with their advantages and disadvantages.


Folding Power Wheelchairs - This category of electric wheelchairs is one of the fastest-growing categories of products that we carry. Because many of our customers are independent, being able to easily travel with their power chairs without affixing a vehicle lift is very important. While these units have the smallest footprint and the lightest weight, they can get quite expensive. You must consider that a cheaper travel power wheelchair that needs a vehicle lift can easily cost more than a folding wheelchair.

You can also watch our very informative video about the Different Types of Power Wheelchair.


Advantages - Easiest to travel with. Small Footprint. Lightweight.

Disadvantages - Costly. Not as comfortable as larger options.


Travel Power Wheelchairs - With these types of wheelchairs, you’ll have the ability to travel with them at a lower cost than most folding wheelchairs. Because they disassemble into many pieces they are cheaper to manufacture when compared to a folding wheelchair. However, keep in mind that an important specification you’ll want to ensure you are aware of is the weight of the heaviest piece. If the heaviest piece is 49 lbs, you or someone you are with will need to be able to lift that amount of weight to successfully travel with this power wheelchair.


Advantages - Lower cost option to travel with an electric wheelchair.

Disadvantages - Must be taken apart. The heaviest piece can sometimes still be rather heavy. Not as comfortable as large options.


Full-Size Power Wheelchairs - This type of wheelchair is ideal for those who do not travel as often unless you have a vehicle that can accommodate a more serious vehicle lift. Many people who want the comfort associated with a larger power wheelchair acquire a vehicle lift along with their full-size wheelchair. This allows them to have the best of both worlds. The ability to travel with the power wheelchair as well as not sacrificing comfort.


Advantages - Comfortable when compared to smaller options while still providing great value. Fantastic travel ranges and top speeds.

Disadvantages - Size. You cannot typically travel with these units unless you have a vehicle lift.


Heavy-Duty Power Wheelchairs - These are the Cadillac of power wheelchairs. The most common reason most people gravitate towards this category is the weight capacity which is typically over 300lbs. The specifications are often industry-leading such as the ability to travel over 20 miles on a single charge with most top speeds clocking in at 4mph to 5mph. Due to the frame reinforcements, the costs for heavy-duty power wheelchairs are typically greater than when compared to other categories.


Advantages - Has the ability to go off-road or on trails. Best-in-class specifications like travel range, top speed, etc.


Disadvantages - Cost. Large size. Hard to travel with.


There are several advantages and disadvantages to each category of wheelchairs. You must strongly consider how you will most often use the power wheelchair to purchase the best one for you.


How to Choose a Power Wheelchair Store

Whether you are searching for a power wheelchair store near me or an online store, there are always certain points you will want to research before doing business with any retailer. Investing in a power wheelchair can easily exceed $1,000.00+ so you will want to ensure you do everything possible to ensure you are going to ultimately work with a company that has great customer service, rock bottom pricing on new units, as well as expertise to help guide you into the right electric wheelchair for you.


Below are 3 main points you’ll want to consider before buying a power chair:

Online Reviews - Crowdsourcing data is the best way one can check the level of customer service given to historical customers. Not one business can operate flawlessly without error, so when something wrong does happen you will want to make sure that the company has your back and will do what is necessary to ensure you end up being a happy customer. Currently, has a 4.7/5.0 which is a very strong rating. Any company that has lower than a 4.0 rating might be considered average. Any company that has a lower than a 3.0 rating might be considered poor.


Pricing - A critical factor is pricing. Why would you want to pay more for the same product? Some local retailers are forced to charge higher prices because they have rent and overhead to cover. Overhead can typically run in the thousands of dollars per month for a brick-and-mortar business so this must be factored into their pricing. At, we’re an online store so able to offer you these products at the lowest price the manufacturers will allow us to sell them for. This is known as MAP pricing.


Expert Knowledge of Products - All of our sales staff are trained in electronics and able to physically repair mobility scooters and power wheelchairs. Many of our sales staff have hobbies in aviation and flying of electronic drones. Their passion for electronics translates into a fantastic understanding of products that are simply not found elsewhere. Part of the reason our reviews are so great is that our sales staff consults so well that our customers end up with a unit that not only meets their needs but can even exceed them.


The Most Popular Powerchairs

Throughout all of the different models and manufacturers of power wheelchairs, there are three that stand out amidst their competitors. Between customer reviews, sales data, and high-quality components, our top three most popular power wheelchairs will provide stress-free mobility for years. We only recommend products by trusted and reliable manufacturers, like Pride Mobility, Golden Technologies, and Whill, to ensure our customers can rely on their devices and receive peace of mind.


4 Common Reasons Customers Buy Handicap Wheelchairs

There are many medical reasons why one would need to purchase a handicap wheelchair. Without going into specific reasons, there are also general reasons why customers seek to regain their independence. While manual wheelchairs can be self-propelled by users' strength, many times it is difficult to self-propel due to health conditions, over great distances, or when inclines are involved. This is when power chairs can assist you greatly. 


Below are 4 of the most common reasons customers buy handicapped wheelchairs:


Independence - Not having to rely on another person to get from point a to point b can be very advantageous. Those who feel they are a burden to others can now have a sense of independence that they couldn’t have previously.

Safety - Rather than using a wheelchair that requires you to self-propel, you can get tired and end up getting stuck. This can lead to a dangerous situation especially if there are hills or inclines where you live. Having the ability to power yourself up and down hills safely and not gassing out is very important to your health.

Comfort - Many traditional wheelchairs are simply not comfortable to sit in for an entire day. Many electric wheelchairs will have a captain's seat that is extremely comfortable to sit in. Being in a normal wheelchair can give you wheelchair fatigue and make your body sore. 

Travel Range - Going the distance is now possible. Where there were previous limits, even if you had an aide. It is difficult for some people to travel 5 miles pushing a wheelchair. Many power chairs have 10+ mile travel ranges with some units going above 30 miles per full charge.


Learning Specifications and Choosing the Right Power Chair for You

Knowing how you intend to use your power chair will dictate the category that you should look into. For instance, if you know you will travel very frequently in and out of your vehicle a folding electric wheelchair would be a better category to look into when compared to a heavy-duty unit. However, if your weight is over 400 lbs, then a folding scooter would not accommodate that weight.


For this reason, on each product, you’ll see a product details tab that houses all the important specifications about each product that you are interested in. If you are unsure as to which category you should be looking into, you can give one of our friendly sales representatives a call and they can help consult with you to find a suitable power wheelchair for you.


Below is a list of the electric wheelchair specifications and why you’ll want to pay attention to them.


Weight Capacity - The total weight that the unit can handle according to the manufacturer. You’ll want to pay attention to this because if you are over the weight limit, the power chair can malfunction or not operate properly.

Seat Width & Depth - The seat's dimensions are important based on the user's measurements. It is important to ensure that the seat is wide enough for you or else you will not be comfortable.

Overall Length, Width & Height - The dimensions of the unit are important if you plan to store it away during travel or when you're not using it.

Weight of Heaviest Piece - If the unit disassembles, then make sure to check if the heaviest piece is going to be manageable for the person who uses it.

Grade Climbable - How the chair can climb aggressive hills. Very important for those living in mountainous or hilly terrains.

Ground Clearance - How far the scooter comes off the ground. If there are bumps in the road or an uneven surface, you’ll want to ensure you have a high enough ground clearance to “clear” the objects.

Top Speed - The maximum speed the unit will reach.

Travel Range - The total distance that the unit can travel on a full battery.

Turning Radius - The turning radius is important to check especially if you need to travel through tight spaces or turns in narrow hallways.

Features - Elevating seat, LED lights, suspension, flat-free tires, etc; are just a few features some mobility scooters will come standard with.


Power Chair Warranty Options for Each Manufacturer

Each manufacturer of power chairs will have different warranties. Something important to consider is if you can increase the duration of the warranty. Also, be careful as some websites mislabel a warranty for a service contract. To further complicate things, some manufacturers will have different warranties for each product. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you view the product you are interested in and scroll down to view the specific warranty provided for that unit.


Below are the most popular power wheelchair manufacturers:

Golden Technologies

Merits Health USA

Pride Mobility



How to Troubleshoot a Power Wheelchair - Should you Fix or Buy a New One?

Being able to troubleshoot a power wheelchair can be rather difficult if you are not a factory-trained technician. However, some issues might be easier to identify than others. There are some common failures on power chairs and not-so-common failures.


Below are the most common steps you can take if your power chair is not operational:

  • Ensure that your unit is powered on with the on-switch.
  • Ensure that your brakes are in the drive position and not neutral.
  • Ensure that your unit is not plugged into the wall, the power chair will not operate if it is plugged in to charge.
  • Ensure that your battery is fully charged. If you’ve charged your battery all night and it doesn’t hold a charge, it might be time for a new battery.
  • If you hear beeps when you start your powerchair, that means something is wrong. You can always try to use Google and enter the model followed by how many beeps you hear. This will troubleshoot the issue and tell you what is wrong with the chair. If you can’t find anything online, you can always try calling the manufacturer who may be able to further assist you.

If the issue is battery-related, you should save your money and purchase a new battery. Tip: You should only consider buying a new chair if your electric wheelchair has a costly error like a motor failure or the chair is very old and continues to break.


Maintaining Your Power Chair Post Purchase

Up to 57% of power wheelchair users have reported a breakdown in the last 6 months according to maintenance of your power chair will ensure its longevity. For that reason, our goal was to dedicate an entire section to maintaining your power wheelchair. Could proper maintenance prevent these breakdowns? Perhaps! Always refer to your user manual for product-specific maintenance recommendations. This section was created for those who bought an older power chair and were unable to obtain the original user manual.


Important note: Do not attempt to do any maintenance if you do not feel comfortable doing so. Also, make sure that your power chair is not on. It needs to be turned off before you doing any maintenance.

  • Ensure that all nuts and bolts have been tightened and nothing is loose enough for you to unscrew with your hand.
  • Ensure your rear wheels have plenty of treads left. If not, you’ll need to purchase new tires to perform proper maintenance. Companies like Monster Scooter Parts can assist you with the parts.
  • Check the caster wheels. Make sure that they can rotate freely and have no obstructions hindering their movement. If there is dirt, hair, or other obstructions, attempt to safely remove the obstruction from the caster wheels.
  • Visually inspect the cushion of the power chair. If it is worn out, you may be able to replace the cushion. A worn-out cushion can easily cause you to have chair fatigue when you get sore from using your power chair for an extended period.
  • Visually inspect the frame. Make sure there is no rust present as rust can negatively impact the structural integrity of the electric wheelchair.
  • Visually inspect the batteries. Make sure there is no green acid around the terminals It's also a great idea to check your battery voltage to make sure your batteries are not reaching abnormally low voltage levels while under load.

How to Disassemble a Power Wheelchair

If you are potentially interested in owning a power wheelchair, you might be curious as to how it is disassembled. You might think that it is difficult but our CEO Andrew Fatalo showcases how easy it is to disassemble a Powerwheelchair by Pride Mobility by clicking this video link


If you have a different make or model, there might be slight modifications to successfully disassemble your power chair.


Can You Buy an Electric Wheelchair with Insurance?

Absolutely! There are a few caveats though. First, your doctor must write you a prescription indicating that it is medically necessary for you to have one. The most common misconception is that you can choose any power wheelchair once you have the prescription. This is not the case as most of the time, the insurance companies will want to give you the cheapest option.


You must also check with your plan benefits to see if powered mobility devices such as electric wheelchairs are included in your policy. Each health insurance plan typically varies greatly even with the same company so be sure to reach out to them. At this time, Mobility Scooters Direct does not work with insurance companies.


How to Easily Finance Your Power Chair Purchase

You can now easily use power wheelchair financing companies through Mobility Scooters Direct to break down your payment into multiple payments. The terms differ by each company one of which is Paypal Credit and the other is an up-and-coming company known as Bread financing which offers to break up payments into a maximum of 24 payments (2 years).


To utilize financing, you simply add the product to your shopping cart that you are interested in. After entering your shipping address, you’ll see a section dedicated to payment options. Choose the type of financing company you wish to try financing with such as “Bread Checkout” or “Paypal Credit”.


On the product page, you’ll see an estimated monthly cost if you were to proceed with the product. For instance, a Pride Go Chair with a purchase price of $1,499.00 can be bought as low as $69.17 per month.


How Much Do Power Wheelchairs Cost?

Each power wheelchair will vary in price depending on the features you need. There are several different affordable power chairs available. Factors such as size and type can play a role in the final cost of the power wheelchairs for sale. This pricing allows you to choose a chair that fits your budget and needs. We carry discount electric wheelchairs starting at $1,299, which include a manufacturer warranty. Most power wheelchairs have custom options or upgrades available that you can find on the product page for each unit. Adding accessories or upgrades will increase the price in most cases. If you use the "price range" filter option at the top of this page or any page that shows products, you can filter to see the options that fall within your price range.


Local Stores vs Online Stores for Power Wheelchairs - Pros and Cons

There are some pros and cons to choosing a local store or an online store. Without further ado, we will take a look at both so you can decide which option might be better suited for you.


Local Power Chair Store Advantages: 

One of the clearest advantages would be being able to see and test a product that the company has in stock in its showroom. This allows you to ensure the product fits your needs, is comfortable, etc. Another fantastic advantage is the simple convenience of going to a local store to see what you want. Unlike an online store, you are just a short drive away to view inventory.


Local Power Chair Store Disadvantages:

The biggest disadvantage to buying in-store is higher prices. Most retailers upcharge their products, which results in a much higher price than we offer on our website for the same products. For those that seek variety, you will find it difficult to be impressed with most local stores. They typically have only a few models because it is cost-prohibitive to have as many products as an online store. Furthermore, most retail stores do not offer in-house financing on their products like online stores do.


Online Power Chair Store Advantages:

The best advantage of shopping at an online power chair store like Mobility Direct would be pricing and convenience. Nearly all of our customers are on a fixed income and saving hundreds to thousands of dollars truly goes a long way. Our pricing is the lowest because we cut out the middleman and any extra charges or fees. Another strength of online power chair stores would be product selection. At Mobility Direct, we are continually adding new products and creating videos to help you determine which model will meet your needs. Moreover, we have financing available on our website to make your purchase more affordable and accessible.


Online Power Chair Store Disadvantages:

The largest disadvantage of online power chair stores is the lack of being able to physically demo the product. You must rely on product specifications, reviews, and videos.


If you are in South Florida, you may be able to have the best of both worlds. Our local showrooms have the same low prices as our website and are conveniently located in Deerfield Beach and Bonita Springs. Visit our Contact Us page for directions.


Delivery Options Available to You

There are 3 main delivery options available to you if you purchase online. Below, we’ll highlight the various delivery options that are available to you when you purchase


Curbside Delivery - When you see free shipping on most power wheelchairs, this is the type of delivery that is included with that free shipping. It is known as curbside delivery and the power chair will be placed at the closest threshold to your door. They cannot bring it inside for liability reasons. This is one of the faster delivery options.


Inside Delivery - For an additional charge, you can purchase inside delivery where the delivery company will bring the power chair inside your home. This is great if you do not have someone strong enough to carry the unit inside.


White-Glove Delivery - This delivery can take up to 6 weeks because the delivery must be coordinated with a local technician. So if getting your chair in a timely manner is of critical importance, do not choose this option. With white glove delivery, you can expect the technician to unbox, assemble, and show you how to use your product.


Saving Money by Getting Coupons for Your Purchase

Did you know with most online dealers you can find coupons floating around? Many times, there will be seasonal coupons throughout the months. Always call a sales associate to see if there are any available so you can save even more on your purchase.


The value of coupons typically varies and is based on the cost of the product. Coupons can help you save anywhere from $25 to well over $400+ on some units! It is clear that many of our customers are short on money due to being on a fixed budget so if giving a coupon code can help out, that is what our team will do to help you regain your independence.


Give one of our friendly sales associates a call and inquire about any current coupons today!


What Makes Different?

Shopping for electric wheelchairs for sale online can be difficult but the savings make it worth the effort because online dealers like us have the lowest prices. This is because online stores that sell power wheelchairs do not have the overhead cost of running a store which gets to be very expensive. We have been dealing with power wheelchairs for a very long time and can help you find the perfect model that suits your needs.


Our products are tax-free, we have the lowest prices online and provide free shipping on all power wheelchair purchases. We have experts standing by ready to help answer any questions that you have via phone, chat, or email. If you have limited mobility or increased pain from walking, power chairs are a practical investment, we carry all of the most popular models and brands that are trusted and reliable. We don't work with any manufacturers that provide poor customer service or make it difficult to find replacement parts. This means that your product will be taken care of in the long run when you shop with us. Just check out our reviews online to see what customers are saying about our customer service. Our reputation speaks for itself and we look forward to doing business with you for all your power wheelchair or electric wheelchair needs.
