Where would an E-Wheels Scooter ship from?

When you choose MobilityDirect.com for your Ewheels Mobility scooter, we understand that timely delivery is essential. Most times, you can expect your mobility scooter to be shipped within 4-5 business days after placing your order, with an estimated delivery time of 1-2 weeks. However, it is crucial to keep in mind that the actual shipping time can vary. If you are located closer to one of E-wheels’ distribution centers, you may receive your scooter a bit sooner, while destinations farther away may experience slightly longer delivery times. Rest assured, we strive to ensure that your order reaches you as quickly as possible.

In these challenging times of global supply chain issues and the lingering effects of the pandemic, it is important to note that shipping ETAs are subject to change, and unforeseen delays may occur, which are beyond our control. Our dedicated sales team is committed to keeping you informed every step of the way. If a backorder situation arises, they will promptly notify you and provide an accurate estimate of when your mobility scooter will ship. At MobilityDirect.com, we prioritize your satisfaction and aim to make your purchase experience as smooth as possible, while remaining transparent about any potential disruptions.

We will email you your tracking number when the unit ships. Feel free to call or chat with us if you have any further questions.

eWheels Warehouse Locations

Below are the E-wheels warehouse locations that you can expect your product to ship from. Your product may arrive sooner or later than expected depending on which product you order and the inventory at the warehouse location.

eWheels warehouse locations are subject to change and we will do our best to update this page with the new locations or locations that change.

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